May be due to no guest account. From Samba 3 by Example:
Network browsing involves SMB broadcast announcements, SMB enumeration
requests, connections to the IPC$ share, share enumerations, and SMB
connection setup processes. The use of anonymous connections to a Samba
server involve the use of the /guest account/ that must map to a valid
Luca Ferrari wrote:
>I've got a few samba server in my network, but one of them is
"invisible". I
>cannot do a nmblookup on it (even from the server itself), but I cannot
>telnet the port 137, thus it should not be a problem of firewall. From
>windows xp machines, I can connect specifying the IP address, while from
>win98 machines I cannot (I got an error like network name does not exist).
>The following is the smb.conf file, I'm running samba 2.2.7:
> os level = 33
> time server = Yes
> unix extensions = Yes
> encrypt passwords = Yes
> log level = 5
> syslog = 5
> printing = CUPS
> printcap name = CUPS
> wins support = No
> veto files = /*.eml/*.nws/riched20.dll/*.{*}/
> security = user
> workgroup = G2OR
> server string = "Mammuth"
> netbios name = "mammuth"
> comment = "Cartella PROJECT/ufficio MK via SMB - Mammuth"
> path = /mnt/data/uff_mk/PROJECT
> browsable = yes
> writable = yes
> printable = no
> valid users = +ufficioMK +cam
>I've tried with the remote announce and master browser options, but it
>not works. Any idea?