Le vendredi 17 Septembre 2004 22:40, Carlo Piga a
?crit?:> Hello,
> I 've just spent some trouble in tryng to fix archive attribute.
> At thi time a samba user different from the owner of a file can't set
> unset the archive attribute from a Windows Client.
> Anyone know how to fix it?
I observed that the archive flag is translated by the execution perm on unix.
If you activate the ACL, it may be a conflict between rights and this flag.
I didn't found (but I didn't search to much...) how to use this flag
with ACL,
and I'm still looking for a solution :-)
> Please help me, It's a long time that the backup is unavailable and a
> hardware failure of the HD is coming....I'm sure...
good luck
Pierre Dinh-van
--- Malfaisant ---
S?bastien, tu dis que le FN et le MRAP c'est la m?me chose. Alors
pourquoi dans tes ?missions tu as invit? le FN et jamais le MRAP ?
+-- Br?ves Charlie Hebdo n?248 (19/03/97) --+