Hello, It would interest to Me to share files with samba in which the FTP client calls format ASCCI. I have watched in the documentation and is necessary to put under the shared resource the following line in smb.conf: [ LOQUESEA ]..... crlftrans = yes I have rebooted the demons of samba but it does not work to me.... What I do? I invite to a beer to which it solves the problem to me...:) Bye -- ------------------------------------------ David Callej?n Mart?nez Servicio de las Tecnolog?as de la Informaci?n y las Comunicaciones. Area de Sistemas. Universidad de Almer?a. david@ual.es (34) 950015837 ------------------------------------------ "La violencia es el ?ltimo recurso del incompetente" "No te tomes la vida muy en serio. No vas a salir vivo de ella"