> I updated samba today to 3.0.5. Printing stopped working. The log says:
> [2004/08/02 14:28:57, 0] printing/print_cups.c:cups_printer_fn(108)
> Unable to connect to CUPS server localhost - Verbindungsaufbau abgelehnt
> I'm using lprng not cups. Is samba ignoring printing = lprng?
I have similar messages if I run 'swat' but this does not interfere
with lprgn. I can print well. (Except that XP clients cannot see
the print queues. :-( )
Try to configure some test commands.
Here is my config:
comment = file
path = /var/spool/samba
guest ok = Yes
printable = Yes
print command = /tmp/test lpr -r -P'%p' %s
lpq command = /tmp/test lpq -P'%p'
lprm command = /tmp/test lprm -P'%p' %j
lppause command = /tmp/test lpc hold '%p' %j
lpresume command = /tmp/test lpc release '%p' %j
queuepause command = /tmp/test lpc stop '%p'
queueresume command = /tmp/test lpc start '%p'
printer name = lp
Where /tmp/test is a shell script:
date >> /tmp/testlog
echo $* >> /tmp/testlog
ps u $PPID >> /tmp/testlog
$PROG "$@" 2>&1 | tee -a /tmp/testlog
And I have an "lp" entry in printcap:
:cm=/tmp/lp file