I'm trying to put a Linux system on a Windows domain and got stuck
We have two domains: COMPANY-SUPPORT and COMPANY-CORP. I am a user of
COMPANY-CORP domain. I want to put my linux box into COMPANY-SUPPORT
domain and access it as the COMPANY-CORP user.
I have Samba 2.2.1a.
I have put the following lines into my /etc/samba/smb.conf file (relevant
lines only):
workgroup = company-support
password server = companysupport
username map = /etc/samba/smbusers
security = domain
allow trusted domains = yes
encrypt passwords = yes
I created the computer account in the COMPANY-SUPPORT domain.
I then ran smbpasswd -j COMPANY-SUPPORT
and it worked fine.
I then added a line to the /etc/samba/smbusers:
meshko = "COMPANY-CORP\Mikhail Kruk"
root = "COMPANY-SUPPORT\admin"
Now on a Windows box I browse to my Linux system and see a list of shares.
smbstatus shows that I'm connected as anonymous.
Then I try to open one of the shares and get a login prompt. The only
thing that works at the login prompt is if I type in meshko and a password
-- I have previously created smbpasswd entry for that user (before joining
the domain).
What am I doing wrong? Please help!
(I'm not subscribed so please cc:, thanks)