On Wednesday 07 July 2004 15:28, Majid Chavoshi wrote:> Hi all,
> I installed samba successfully on our Solaris8 server. A friend who had
> previously installed and configured samba told me that at some point in the
> configuration samba will ask you to enter the NT domain administrator's
> password for it to be able to join the domain and be able to communicate
> with it. Would you please tell me what script/command I need to execute to
> allow me to do that. As it is, with normal installation and activation of
> the smbd & nmbd daemons, I didn't get to a point where it would ask
me for
> any NT administrator's password.
samba.org/samba/docs/Samba-Guide.pdf chapter 9 has all the details
you need. While the book (it is available from Amazon.Com as "Samba-3 by
Example") is oriented around SuSE and Red Hat Linux, the basic steps apply
any Samba implementation.
If you still have a problem contact me direct.
- John T.
> As always, I appreciate your help and wish you a great day.
> Thanks.
> Regards,
> Majid Chavoshi
> Unix System Administrator
> Belkin Corporation
> Information Services
> 310-604-2098 Office
> 310-604-2022 Fax
> 310-877-1428 Mobile
> MajidC@belkin.com
> belkin.com
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John H Terpstra
Samba-Team Member
Phone: +1 (650) 580-8668
The Official Samba-3 HOWTO & Reference Guide, ISBN: 0131453556
Samba-3 by Example, ISBN: 0131472216
Hardening Linux, ISBN: 0072254971
OpenLDAP by Example, ISBN: 0131488732
Other books in production.