Automated update system supplied with Fedora. Kinda like the RHN, but
free and more up to date version-wise, but without the package checking
done by Redhat.
If you're running Fedora and it's installed, typing "yum update
name>" will update a package to the latest version on your downloads
site (it defaults to, yum install <package
name>" installs a package you haven't currently got installed,
remove <package name>" removes it and "yum update" will
attempt to
update all the packages on your machine.
The last time I looked a couple of days ago, the latest version that
Redhat were giving of Samba was 3.0.3, but that might have changed now.
I know it's a lazy way of doing things, but it saves me a lot of time.
I'm a little worried that this is going a bit OT for the list, so if
anyone wants any more information, just email me directly.
Finally a quick google search finds you plenty of information on it.
I hope this helps,
Mark Lidstone
IT and Network Support Administrator
BMT SeaTech Ltd
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-----Original Message-----
From: Simon Oliver []
Sent: 02 July 2004 14:09
To: Mark Lidstone
Subject: RE: [Samba] Samba + ACL
> If you're interested, my setup is Samba 3.0.4 on Fedora Core
> 2 using yum to update the kernel and it works fine.