Hi, I've been using samba for some time now on my linux laptop, although only scratching the surface of it's full capabilities. I basically use samba for printing and accessing our domain file servers. So, I know relatively little about the in-depth configuration of samba Every time I need to access a domain service I need to supply an authfile/usename/password to the smbmount/smbclient program. Okay, not too much of a problem now that I can use the authfile, I was curious though is it possible for samba to simply log me in to the domain just once as I would do in windows? When I access file shares etc... within Windows, I'm not prompted to authenticate myself every time. I've seen several articles describing how to login to a domain as an administrator - I'm not an administrator, just a plain 'ole user. Can this "persistent login" be established or do the authentication mechanisms within windows prevent me from doing this? TIA Rob ______________________________________________________________________ This email has been scanned by the MessageLabs Email Security System. For more information please visit http://www.messagelabs.com/email ______________________________________________________________________