Hi. Google shows that this problem has been brought up before, but I
can't find the solution in the list archives. If I try to mount a samba
share (v3.0.3) using cifs it returns:
mount error 13 = Permission denied
and in the log:
May 14 11:41:31 myriapod kernel: CIFS VFS: Send error in SessSetup -13
May 14 11:41:31 myriapod kernel: CIFS VFS: cifs_mount failed w/return
code = -13
mounting the share with the same credentials using smbfs works, so there
must be some deeper authentication problem.
Can somebody drop me a hint? Thanks.
David Smithson david@customfilmeffects.com
Custom Film Effects www.customfilmeffects.com
818-840-6833 x126