Hi again,
The problem is solved so far. Rebooting both machines, first the
Samba/Linux Server and then also the machine which temporarily took over
DHCP services, leaded to an update of wins.dat.
Sorry, I should have tried this before posting.
Peter Keitler wrote:
> Hi,
> I've got a strange problem with address resolution in a mixed Network
> with Samba on Linux as Server and Win2k / XP clients.
> At first my setup:
> - SuSE Linux 8.1
> - Samba Version 2.2.5-SuSE on SuSE 8.1 (smd.conf attached)
> - nmbd is configured to act as a WINS server.
> - DHCP is installed (dhcpd.conf attached)
> - No DNS is installed
> Everything worked fine until a temporary Server-Down-Time, where another
> Win2k PC took over the DHCP job. Now, one XP PC, which acts as a
> Compiler-Server, in our network is no longer reachable via the Network
> Environment in the Windows Explorer. However, it is still visible as
> "Compilerserver".
> During switching back to the Linux server, the DHCP on the windows
> machine was still active for some time but is now definitely switched of.
> On the Linux server, which now runs again, address resolution seems to
> be somehow strange. Doing a normal WINS lookup does the following:
> PAGANINI:/var/log/samba # nmblookup -U -R compilerserver
> querying compilerserver on
> compilerserver<00>
> A lookup by broadcast however does the following:
> PAGANINI:/var/log/samba # nmblookup -B -R compilerserver
> querying compilerserver on
> compilerserver<00>
> compilerserver<00>
> compilerserver<00>
> The last line shows the correct IP address of "compilerserver"
which I
> can connect from my local workstation (Win2k) via the IP. Using the
> NetBIOS name "compilerserver" fails however.
> The only related information about this topic that I could find in the
> Internet during several ours of search is, that the file
> /var/lib/samba/wins.dat is rewritten regularly or at shutdown of nmbd.
> Deleting the file (and maybe also browse.dat) may solve the problem.
> However, even after I had deleted both files, they reoccured again,
> still containing the same incorrect address shown above (
> ...
> "COMPILERSERVER#00" 1083900657 64R
> "COMPILERSERVER#20" 1083900666 64R
> ...
> A reboot of "compilerserver" also does not solve the problem.
> Where else is this information kept by nmbd?
> How can I force a rebuild of the database?
> What do the other two addresses ( and mean in
> the nmblookup call above?
> smb.conf
> --------
> ...
> # Global parameters
> [global]
> workgroup = ENTWICKLUNG
> server string = Samba 2.2.5 - Linux Fileserver
> encrypt passwords = Yes
> log level = 2
> announce version = 5.0
> printcap name = CUPS
> character set = ISO8859-15
> os level = 255
> preferred master = True
> enhanced browsing = No
> wins support = Yes
> create mask = 0777
> force security mode = 0440
> directory mask = 0777
> force directory mode = 0550
> printing = cups
> veto files = /*.eml/*.nws/riched20.dll/*.{*}/
> map archive = No
> dos filemode = Yes
> dos filetimes = Yes
> dos filetime resolution = Yes
> ...
> dhcpd.conf
> ----------
> #Default time of validity of assigned IP address in the case that not
> requested differently by the client
> default-lease-time 86400;
> #Maximum time an assigned IP address is valid (higher requests will be
> rejected)
> max-lease-time 604800;
> #Don't assign hostnames
> get-lease-hostnames false;
> option subnet-mask;
> option domain-name "baltech.de";
> #Maximum IP packet size
> option interface-mtu 1500;
> ddns-update-style ad-hoc;
> subnet netmask {
> #No router necessary (all internet traffic managed by KEN proxy server)
> # option routers;
> #DNS not necessary (all internet traffic managed by KEN proxy server)
> # option domain-name-servers,;
> option subnet-mask;
> #Resolve NetBIOS names (necessary for Samba)
> option netbios-name-servers;
> # Force Windows clients to use NetBIOS name server (NBNS) instead of
> broadcasting all the time
> # Description: This parameter specifies the mode of NetBIOS name
> resolution used by NetBIOS over TCP/IP.
> # 1 = b-node (broadcasts)
> # 2 = p-node (point-to-point name queries to a WINS server)
> # 4 = m-node (broadcast then query name server)
> # 8 = h-node (query name server, then broadcast). If DNS is enabled
> (which also enabled LMHOSTS in Windows
> 95), name resolution will also follow the mode defined by this
> parameter. This value can also be configured
> using DHCP.
> option netbios-node-type 8;
> #Assign address range for dynamic assignment of IP addresses via DHCP
> range;
> }
> Any help is welcome
> Greetings
Mit freundlichen Gr??en,
Best Regards,
Peter Keitler
Lilienthalstrasse 27
85399 Hallbergmoos
phone: +49 (0)811 99881-0
fax: +49 (0)811 99881-11