Fedora Core 1:Samba 3.0.0-15 trying to connect with Windows XP Pro and
Hello All, I am really hoping for some help on this one. I am going
through the very basic process of trying to learn Samba and get my home
network up -- followed the HowTo verbatim. I have several problems that
are show-stoppers.
(1) I can乫t print. I have a hp Photosmart 7150 installed locally on the
linux box and it works perfectly when printing from linux. I can see the
printer from the samba share in windows and can install and
乪successfully乫 print (the job reads 乬remote downlevel document乭
Status: spooling User:nobody) but nothing prints. Lpq says:
Photosmart7150 is ready
No entries
Zero activity on the printers part.
(2) I can乫t access my share. If I try to go to start仺run and type
\\agamemnon\data the only option for a username is AGAMEMNON\Guest and its
I could really use some help on this. Thanks for any pointers. I know this
is not secure -- just want to prove the concept first.
#My smb.conf
workgroup = archenland
netbios name = agamemnon
security = share
printcap name = cups
disable spoolss = Yes
show add printer wizard = No
printing = cups
comment = Tim and Chrissy's Home Directories
# we set the valid users = to the current share's name
valid users = %S
read only = No
# we might want to set this to No after troubleshooting
browseable = Yes
# this is the main share we run all our files from
comment=Tim and Chrissy's data store
path = /home/data
guest ok = No
valid users = tim chrissy
read only = No
writeable = Yes
path = /var/spool/samba
guest ok = Yes
printable = Yes
use client driver = Yes
browseable = No