Hi all,... ...after not having seen anything on that topic in both documentation or in google: Currently, I am using samba with authentication against a Windows NT 4 - PDC to serve files. _Is_ there a way, having a section like [customprint] printable = Yes print command = ... set up somewhere in smb.conf, to explicitely force "print command" being executed each and every time using a certain Unix user account no matter which user actually started the print job on the workstation? Is there something I am not yet seeing? In the samba doc, I read that "guest ok" is the way to get the "print command" done using permissions of the guest account defined in smb.conf but this also doesn't work in my setup. :/ Hints, anyone? TIA and bye, Kris -- Kristian Rink -- Programmierung/Systembetreuung planConnect GmbH * Strehlener Str. 12 - 14 * 01069 Dresden 0176 24472771 * krink@pm-planc.de