> To minimize cost, Application Servers don't have to be expensive
> state-of-the-art machines. An Intel '386 processor is all that
> is required. Naturally, a '486 or Pentium would provide faster
> performance. Platinum for Windows operates under Novell NetWare
> or Windows NT network environments. For smaller installations not
> needing Pervasive SQL, Application Servers can be defined to run
> on the Windows NT Server as virtual applications and would not
> require separate physical machines. The system configuration
> minimizes cost while maximizing flexibility and performance.
You may wish to point out to them that if Epicor were serious
about trying to provide state-of-the-art quality on less expensive
machines, they should stop requiring expensive and unnecessary
software such as Windows NT. When evaluating a total software
solution, Epicor is hindered by the extra price that adds to their
end quotes. If Epicor were willing to provide a Linux solution,
the end costs to their customers could be lowered. This could
only help Epicor's market share. The fact that anyone asked about
it shows there is, in fact, a Linux market, despite what Epicor's
development people say.
So the real question I would have to ask Epicor is,
"Why are you so quick to abandon market share to your competitors?"
- Kevin Colby
rparker@VPR.net wrote:>
> Jerry,
> Your book was a lifesaver for me - and I have been running
> Samba on BSDI 4.0.1 for about a year now; including running
> Platinum (mentioned below) but now it's time for a major
> upgrade from the vendor (Epicor). I know you must get a lot of
> mail, so forgive the intrusion, but I didn't want to hit the
> list with this - I saw your post with the following and it got
> me thinking: (this was about Andrea Borgia and Forte Agent)
> These should not be mailed to the list. Contact me off line
> regarding this. (b) you contact tech support and tell them that
> you have to have their product work against a Samba server. Ask
> them to provide us with the application software necessary
> for testing and debugging and we'll fix the server code.
> or (c) tell tech support that you have to use Sambs boxes and
> they can send us a patch to fix the server code.
> I am right now in the process of being 'bullied' by Epicor into
> up an NT/W2K server in order to upgrade a business application
> called Platinum. Not to embroil you in a controversy, but I was
> wondering (as a really small company) what I can do to help the
> 'perception' that Linux/Samba isn't an appropriate platform to
> run business critical applicaionts? I also just wanted to sort
> of send this along as an FYI. My vendor (Rick@d-b-s.com) is
> more than willing to go the samba/linux route but he cautions
> me that support from Epicor will be non-existent if we go that
> way, so it's not his issue) By way of explanation, I got the
> following exchange forwarded to me from my him.
> (It may be just an 'ah, well - someday they'll learn, but it is
> a shame)
> (exchange with Epicor follows sig)
> Rich Parker
> Director of Engineering
> Vermont Public Radio
> -- using template mhl.format --
> Date: Mon, 28 Aug 2000 10:48:11 EDT
> To: rparker@vpr.net
> From: Rick@d-b-s.com
> Subject: FW: Support for Linux
> Return-Path: <Rick@d-b-s.com>
> MIME-Version: 1.0
> X-Mailer: Internet Mail Service (5.5.2650.21)
> Content-Type: text/plain;
> charset="iso-8859-1"
> Feedback from Epicor about Linux.
> Rick
> J. Rick Lunt
> Vice President
> Dynamic Business Solutions
> 380 Hurricane Lane, Suite 101
> Williston, VT 05495
> 802-872-0694x223
> Rick@d-b-s.com
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Scott Saunders [mailto:ssaunders@epicor.com]
> Sent: Monday, August 28, 2000 9:44 AM
> To: Rick@d-b-s.com; L-PFW VAR Support
> Subject: RE: Support for Linux
> Rick,
> We have not looked into this platform at all. My last
> discussions with development was that they would look at it only if there
> enough demand but the thought was that accounting did not belong on a free
> form O\S.
> Scott
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Rick@d-b-s.com [mailto:Rick@d-b-s.com]
> Sent: Friday, August 25, 2000 1:03 PM
> To: pfwvarsup@epicor.com
> Subject: Support for Linux
> Hello and good Friday!
> Do you support PFW4.8a on a Linux server running PervasiveSQL
> for Linux?
> Thanks
> J. Rick Lunt
> Vice President
> Dynamic Business Solutions
> 380 Hurricane Lane, Suite 101
> Williston, VT 05495
> 802-872-0694x223