Therebly sorry but I'll have to disapoint you unfortunately samba3 isn't
yet an active directory server (however you can join a win2k or win2k3
controled active directory based domain with security = ads in
smb.conf), so you couldn't manage it from mmc. But on the list I've read
lots of successes managing it with nexus (Win9x/Me) and srvtools
(WinNT/2000/XP) both downladable from M$.
Good Luck!
Geza Gemes
> Hi,
> I have Samba 3.0 and win2000 clients. I can join the domain with my
> machine and after a reboot I can log in as a domain user without
> problem. In fact I log in as the domain admin. Good!
> Then, I try to play with the policies and I launch
> the MMC snap in called "Active Directory Users and Computers" as
> described in the SAMBA HOWTO COLLECTION chapter When I
> launch the snap in I receive an error: (It was originally in French,
> but a translation of this message in english would be the following:)
> "Names information cannot be found because:
> The specified domain does not exist or could not be contacted.
> Contact your system admin to check that the domain is well configured
> and that is connected".
> That s strange because as I said before I loged in on the machine as
> a domain user, so the domain is reachable....
> Anyway the "Active Directory Users and Computers" appli appears
> some seconds if I press the OK button but then I cannot do
> anything. I tryed Action -> Connect to the domain or
> Action -> Connect to the domain controler but nothing works.
> For example if I do:
> Action -> Connect to the domain controler
> then in the field:
> Current Domain controller
> Replace by:
> I type the name of my Samba server, it will say:
> Impossible to connect to the domain controller before Windows 2000.
> Any hints ?
> Thanks in advance.
> Julien.