Hi All, We are running SuSE Linux Enterprise Server, Samab 2.2.7a, and sharing a partition formated to reiserfs 3.6 format. When we try and copy a large video file (25GB) to a share on the reiserfs partition from a windows 2000 client I get the error message: "Cannot copy filename: The specified network name is no longer available" Then as soon as you click okay the share becomes available again. I have tried copying the same file to an ext2 and it works fine. And I have just tried testing 2.2.8 pre2 and get the same results. I have also tried copying a 16GB file to shares on both ext2 and reiserfs and it works fine. It just seems there is a cut off somewhere between 16GB and 25GB. Does anyone know of any reiserfs/samba issues? Thanks for any help I get, Carl.