I've set up a samba domain controller and am reading that PAM authentication modules (cracklib) cannot be used with encrypted passwords in Samba. Is there any way to enforce password policies then for samba accounts? (i.e. min length 8 chars, letters+nums+special, new pswd not similiar to last pswd) Also, is there any way to do a single signon with samba accounts with encrypted passwords? (permit samba/domain authenticated users to access their pop/smtp services on another unix server) I currently only have restriced unix accounts (no shell, no home dir, account disabled) setup on the PDC just to create the samba users, there is currently no need for them to access any unix services on the samba domain server. thanks, peace Brian Wiese | bwiese@cotse.com | aim: unolinuxguru ------------------------------------------------------ GnuPG/PGP key 0x1E820A73 | "FREEDOM!" - Braveheart ------------------------------------------------------ This is not about Napster or DVDs. It's about your Freedom. I'll see your DMCA and raise you a First Amendment. http://www.anti-dmca.org