> From: giuseppe sportelli <giuseppespo@tiscali.it>
> To: samba@lists.samba.org
> Subject: [Samba] sasmba e xp home
> Date: 19 Feb 2003 19:01:36 +0100
> aglia aglia (in italian meat ahi ahi !)
in which dialect?? :)
in quale dialetto?? :)
> Hello i have a serius questions .
> I have installe din my school samba as PDC for 8 subnet with client win98
> 95 and i use it like profile server .
> Last month the school without call me buyed 10 cp with xp home !
> It never possible that xp home do not support domain logons, and other nice
> features .
> I have samba 2.2.7a with mandrake 9.0
> Thank for help me
No Win XP Home doesn't even support domains like the previous win9x
clients. No way to make an XP Home to authenticate against a Domain
Controller, I'm sorry, you will either live with that, or spend more
money to "upgrade" to XP Pro.
No, Win XP Home non supporta i domini neanche come i precedenti win9x.
Non c'? alcun modo di far autenticare un XP Home su un domain controller
mi spiace ma devi trovare un modo di convivere con questa cosa, o
spendere un sacco di soldi per l'"upgrade" a XP Pro.
Se interessa c'? un sito e anche una lista italiana dedicata a samba:
samba.xsec.it samba-it
lists.xsec.it per iscriversi alla lista
Simo Sorce - simo.sorce@xsec.it
Xsec s.r.l.
via Durando 10 Ed. G - 20158 - Milano
tel. +39 02 2399 7130 - fax: +39 02 700 442 399
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