MessageI had problems installing on RH 7.2 Reported back that files (I
later found are parts of CUPS) were missing. I was able to run Samba 2.2.5
on RH 7.2 (my server is currently running that way).
On the workstation, since I was going to upgrade RH (7.3 and 8.0 seem to be
supported better). I upgraded all the way to RH8.0. If you're subscribed to
RHN, the updates to the RH 8.0 distribution will take you to Samba 2.2.7.
Tom Winfield
-----Original Message-----
From: []On
Behalf Of Nir Livni
Sent: Thursday, January 09, 2003 4:16 AM
To: ''
Subject: [Samba] Linux platform for samba 2.2.7
What is the recommended linux version (RH 7.x) for samba 2.2.7 ?
Are there any known issues with RH7.2 / RH7.3 ?
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