On Donnerstag, 19. Dezember 2002 16:30, Bill Miller
wrote:> Could someone help me with this?
> My Unix Administrator no longer works here.
> Thanks
Hello !
I suppose you local users.
You nee to create users on a unix basis
useradd -m the_user
set his password
passwd the_user
which will ask you a password
and on the sambabasis
smbpasswd -a the_user
which will ask you a password too
If you need more info, just ask
> Bill Miller
> ROSS Marketing, Inc.
> Directory of Technology
> (319) 294-8080 Office mailto:bmiller@rossmarketinginc.com
> <mailto:bmiller@rossmarketinginc.com>
> (319) 294-8111 Fax
> (319) 551-9848 Mobile mailto:3195519848@uscc.textmsg.com
> <mailto:3195519848@uscc.textmsg.com> up to 100 chars
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