George Blessing
2002-Dec-11 18:22 UTC
[Samba] Newbie: Auto mount of NT User Directories on Linux
Good day, everyone. I have a newbie question that I am trying to find an answer for. I have a production Windows 2000 Active Directory domain that contains all of my users and their associated home directories. I also have a RH 8.0 box that I allow my users to logon to via SSH. My goal is to have the users on the RH 8.0 box be able to login to Linux and then have Samba auto-mount their Windows 2000 domain home directory and make that available to them during their Linux session. I have Samba 2.2.7 installed and functioning. I compiled it with the PAM and WINDBIND options, among others. I was able to join the Linux box to my Win2000 domain. Is what I described above possible? Has anyone done this successfully? Thanks in advance. George B.