Hey all! I was fiddling with some LDAP stuff for fun's sake, and I ran into this strange situation. The situation occurred with both my stock Samba and my modifications applied. I had a Win2000 Advanced Server machine already joined into the domain and working perfectly with PDC logons through the Samba server (v2.2.7, LDAP-SAM backend, OpenLDAP 2.0.25). While testing if the searches were being done as my new code specified, I explicitly removed the machine account for the W2K server expecting future logons to fail due to a missing/invalid machine account. I would then add the entry back to test if my code was finding stuff where it needed to be found. The strange thing is that even after the machine account was gone (and the samba processes had been restarted multiple times), I was still able to log in through the domain into that machine (W2K) - apparently through the PDC as I was able to access shares on other machines that should only be available to domain members. I rebooted the computer (W2K) just in case, and restarted samba in the process and I was still able to log in. Just in case, I changed back to "stock" LDAP Samba (in case it was a bug in my code), and the behavior was still the same. This seems to me like a HUGE PDC security hole, unless I'm misinterpreting the way PDC machine accounts are handled, and what's supposed to happen when a machine account is removed. It's my understanding that no NT-class machine (NT,2K,XP) can utilize resources within a PDC-protected domain if they haven't been joined into it and have a valid machine account in the PDC. If this is the case, then this is clearly a BIG hole that needs to be plugged ASAP. Anybody care to comment? Am I way out of whack here? Do I need to quit programming and try my luck as a janitor? ;) Best Diego PS/ The mods I was working on is adding "add machine script" and "ldap machine suffix" functionality to Samba, to allow for better handling of machine accounts from an admin level.