In my research, I read that Samba 2.2.5-10 would work fine with Windows 2000 SP1, SP2 and SP3, as well as Windows XP Professional (No word on SP1 for WinXP) I am unable to say anything about previous versions of Samba. Regards, Robert Adkins II IT Manager/Buyer Impel Industries, Inc. Ph. 586-254-5800 Fx. 586-254-5804 -----Original Message----- From: SALOME Alexandre [] Sent: Thursday, November 21, 2002 2:17 PM To:; Robert Adkins Subject: [Samba] samba 2.2.2 versus windows2000 service pack 3 Hi, I would like know if Windows 2000 professional with service pack 3 and the last updade of work (and work very well !!!) with samba 2.2.2. I would like know , too, if exist a new version of samba more estable and recommended <<...OLE_Obj...>> , Atenciosamente Alexandre Salom? Comau System _ Sistemas Engenharia tel: 0055 031 9944 8646 fax:0055 031 3529 6533