Hello, I've been playing around with an old Win95 box and my Debian machine using samba + cups + imprints. I'm stuck at installing the Windows 9x printer. I've been able to create two .tar.gz files one for the windows 9x printer and one for the NT printer using the mkprintpkg perl script. The NT print driver installs fine. Trying to then install the windows 9x printer driver complains of there being no NT driver in the package. I assume I need to create a package with both the NT and the win 9x driver?? Its not clearly stated how to use two or more inf files at once for the one package. I'm using the "Imprints Installation Client Howto" and "Invoking the package Creation Tool" (http://imprints.sourceforge.net/packages-manual/x44.html) thanks, Chris Caston