Hi group! I have been struggling for quite long, and here is the story: My linux box is RH7.2 w/ samba 2.2.1a, Chinese support installed and works fine. The client is W2K codepage 437 (English), but since I have installed Far East support, so that I can process codepage 936 (viewing and inputting Chinese). I smbmount W2K drive to Linux box, but the filename in Chinese can never be displayed correctly, character are replaced by a series of question mark (???????). I have already add "Client code page = 936" in my smb.conf, but that seems not working, I figure maybe that's because the code page of the W2K machine is actually 437. Any idea that can help me to display Chinese filenames correctly on Linux side? Thanks in advance! -- Perre (http://www.perre.net)