Forwarded to: ismtp[] cc: Comments by: Charles J. Huenke@Admin@SAC Comments: Please offer any input you may have on the issue described below. Thank you. Chuck Huenke Delaware Statistical Analysis Center (302) 739-3680 -------------------------- [Original Message] ------------------------- We received a replacement EFG20 on the referenced RMA on 9/18/02. I encountered a problem that prevents me from returning the defective unit, and I have been unable to resolve it after several calls to tech support and customer service. I hope that this email will more clearly describe the issue. The primary use for the server is an Access 2000 database for 6-8 users. Things worked well with our old EFG20's (we have 2, one of which recently began losing network connectivity during use; apparently a thermal issue). I set up the new unit just as the old one was set up, and copied our Access files to it. We can run the Access database on the new unit from any one of our Windows 98 or Windows 2000 PC's on the network. A problem occurs, however, when a second user tries to open the database - Access fails to open the shared database and reports a spurious "too many active users" error. I can find no assistance at all in Microsoft's knowledge base. I turn to you for help because the problem does not occur with our older EFG20's. So far I can only guess that there is some conflict with Access and the slightly newer Linux software on the replacement EFG20 (possibly with Samba in particular?). From what I can tell, the replacement unit has Samba 2.0.6, while the older units have Samba 2.0.3. As an additional test I put a FoxPro database on the new EFG20; FoxPro and the new unit work well together to succesfully share database files with multiple users. Please provide any advice you can on how I should address this issue. Under the terms of the RMA cross-ship, I need to return a unit to you in the next few days. I will also forward this email to with the hope that they may have some ideas. Thank you. Chuck Huenke Delaware Statistical Analysis Center (302) 739-3680