I am currently running Version 2.0.7 of Samba, I know this an old version but it is the supported version for another product. Before today we have had samba up and running with very little problems. Yesterday The physical disks we attach to changed on our UNIX machine. We have been racking our brains since to try and get samba working again. we have unjoined and rejoined our NT domain numerous times today with out any errors, the .mac file is where it should be and looks ok. We currently are setup so that we use the NT domain controller for our authentication. Before today we never were asked for a username or password. Today we are being asked for this, and when we put this information in, we are still refused. I even tried putting in my username like DOMAIN\username nothing seems to be working. anybody out there have any ideas what to try. Please ask any questions that might help you understand this more as well. I am pretty desperate at this point so any ideas would be welcome. Thanks, Jim Jim Warter Chicago Board Options Exchange (312) 786-7510 warterj@cboe.com