Folks, Winbindd and Samba (2.2.3a) will be up and running well for 2 weeks to a month. We have it in a Windows Domain where the DC is on a different subnet. The wins server is set correctly, and like I said, it works great. Periodically we will not be able to authenticate users for access to shares. By looking at the logs, we see this line when trying to get the ip address of the DC: lib/wins_srv.c:wins_srv_died(226) wins_srv_died(): WINS server xx.xx.xx.xx appears to be down. In order to fix this, I have to remove the WINS server address and restart samba and then add the WINS server address back in. When we look at nmblookup everything appears to be active. I don't have access to the WINS server, so I'm not always sure what has happened there. Looking at this problem from the limited view that I have, the WINS server appears to stop listening to us on port 137 until we re-register. Are there any suggestions for debugging this problem (at the infrastructure or Samba level) that I should try the next time this happens? Cary