hi, I wanna make a policy with poledit to have IE shove its temp files not into the user's profile but somewhere else, say c:\temp\IEcache.$USERNAME or the like.. I want to make this policy file the etwork wide default for WinXP, how do I have to name it? As far as I've found with google, it has to go into the [netlogon] share, right? Is the same thing possible with other temp folders as well? If so, how? Which windows temp folders would be useful? bye, MH -- Die unaufgeforderte Zusendung einer Werbemail an Privatleute verst??t gegen ?1 UWG und ?823 I BGB (Beschlu? des LG Berlin vom 2.8.1998 Az: 16 O 201/98). Jede kommerzielle Nutzung der ?bermittelten pers?nlichen Daten sowie deren Weitergabe an Dritte ist ausdr?cklich untersagt!