Hullo, All... I'm maintaining about twenty HP/UX 11.00 Servers (L1000, 512Mb), all with SaMBa installed. Today, I notice that two of them have the SMBD processes eating more CPU than expected... Bellow is one of my TOP screens... Processes that take 0.40% CPU now take 7.61%! System: L024 Tue Jul 16 14:39:41 2002 Load averages: 6.09, 6.33, 5.88 121 processes: 115 sleeping, 6 running Cpu states: LOAD USER NICE SYS IDLE BLOCK SWAIT INTR SSYS 6.09 52.7% 0.6% 46.3% 0.4% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% Memory: 99764K (59148K) real, 147820K (53408K) virtual, 45076K free Page# 1/9 TTY PID USERNAME PRI NI SIZE RES STATE TIME %WCPU %CPU COMMAND ? 931 corana 232 20 12348K 11956K run 621:55 26.28 26.23 dataserver ? 11280 root 209 20 2312K 976K run 0:33 7.61 7.60 smbd ? 11261 root 154 20 2216K 816K sleep 0:35 6.29 6.28 smbd ? 11257 root 154 20 2216K 816K sleep 0:32 5.40 5.39 smbd ? 11278 root 154 20 2216K 816K sleep 0:32 4.70 4.70 smbd ? 1110 corana 154 22 31328K 28960K sleep 94:55 3.39 3.38 repserver ? 11424 root 154 20 2216K 816K sleep 0:31 3.03 3.03 smbd ? 11293 root 154 20 2216K 816K sleep 0:31 2.49 2.49 smbd ? 11256 root 154 20 2216K 816K sleep 0:34 2.48 2.48 smbd ? 11297 root 154 20 2216K 816K sleep 0:15 2.37 2.37 smbd ? 11262 root 186 20 2328K 976K run 0:33 1.88 1.88 smbd ? 11279 root 154 20 2328K 976K sleep 0:31 1.31 1.31 smbd ? 28 root 152 20 0K 0K run 15:11 1.29 1.28 vxfsd ? 11085 root 154 20 2312K 960K sleep 0:36 1.18 1.17 smbd I'm runing 2.2.2 version of SaMBa, and I got no errors in my log files, neither in my syslog file. In addition to this, nothing was changed in the Server environment in a long time... What could be the problem? ______________ Demerson Zounar Analista de Suporte