Hello, I've been having a problem for some time when dealing with MP3 files, especially with regard to moving them from Windows 2000 SP2 client computers to my Samba 2.2.5/Linux 2.4.18/SGI XFS 1.1 file server. Whenever I let Windows "preview" the MP3 (IOW, I get the option to play the file from Windows Explorer, and the "progress bar" becomes white), I become unable to move the file, generating a "Sharing Violation" on the Windows client. It doesn't matter if the file is on the client's hard drive, or if it's on a share on the server. I thought that upgrading to Samba 2.2.5 with the "MP3 rename" bug fixed might solve my problems, but alas, it has not. Also important to note is the fact that if I am fast enough to select the file and "Shift-drag" move it, it works fine, but not if that progress bar turns white, indicating that Windows can play it from Explorer. I would take this to be a Windows 2000 problem, but I did not see a fix for it noted anyplace within this web site: http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=http://suppor t.microsoft.com/support/ServicePacks/Windows/2000/Win2000_Po st-SP2_Hotfixes.asp I would appreciate any assitance with this issue. Thanks, in advance. -------------------------------------------- Sean P. Elble Independent Systems/Network Engineer Caldera Accredited Partner UNIX/Linux/Windows NT/2000 SES Computer Systems spelble@earthlink.net --------------------------------------------