Hi all! I've problem with file/directory name on samba share. It is a file or directory with ascii char ALT0254 1. In DOS partition it's a short name (confirms 8.3 rule) On samba share - it's translated to long name (with ~ delimiter) why? 2. When I set mangled names = No then this char is represented by the Ctrl-Z character (EOF) In case 1) and 2) ^Z in name are this same from the server console smb.conf: [global] client code page = 852 character set = ISO8859-2 And the question is - How set samba to get a name like in DOS partition with ALT0254 in file/dir name? And there is a "experimental" setup ;-) On DOS partition (from nc i.e.) I make dir A{ALT0254)B and it's looks like AxB (where x=ALT054 char) When I copy it to samba share it's changed: (see up for explanation of samba configuration in case 1. and 2.) 1. AB~8- 2. AyB (where y=CtrlZ (^Z) char) Does anyone some suggestions? -- regards adas Adam Gapi?ski ***** Linux registered user #251489 adas (maupa) artikon (kropa) one (kropa) pl