Michael Sieters wrote:>
> Hi,
> Is there an equivalent setting in samba as the Windows NT/2000/XP registry
> key -
> \NullSessionShares
> We have a Windows service that needs access to files on a samba share.
> Setting the above key to the name of the share works well on Windows
> but I can not find a way to do this under samba 2.2.1a.
What are you trying to do?
I honestly don't know what that that key does, but if you state your
acutal problem we might be able to help.
Have you actually read the smb.conf manpage? Things like 'guest ok'
should do the trick.
Andrew Bartlett
Andrew Bartlett abartlet@pcug.org.au
Manager, Authentication Subsystems, Samba Team abartlet@samba.org
Student Network Administrator, Hawker College abartlet@hawkerc.net
http://samba.org http://build.samba.org http://hawkerc.net