I'm sure this question is asked a lot, but I can't seem to find any answer that fixes the problem. I've got samba 2.2.2 running on a SuSE 6.1 server, I can access the drives fine and it all works great, apart from trying to find the server listed in the network neighbour hood / network places. It's the same on Windows98/ME/2000, I can ping the server fine, but it doesn't appear when I use the NET VIEW command and the only way I can map the network drive is to search for the servers name and list the accessable drives, and even after that it doesn't appear in the network places area. So, if someone can help me solve this problem, which I'm sure is incrediably simple and I'm just overlooking something, I've be very greatful. - Nape _____________________________________________ Free email with personality! Over 200 domains! http://www.MyOwnEmail.com