Hi, I have tried to setup a share that will use UTF8 to save all filenames. The reason for this is that I want to use Helios Ethershare 2.6 so the Macs can use the same share. The problem is that the files will be saved as UTF8 and I can see the files from the mac but not from the PC. This ofcourse is only true if I use for example ?????? (Swedish characters) If I use a-z A-Z it will work since I don't use any Unicode chars. Samba version is 2.2.2 # Samba config file created using SWAT # Global parameters [global] workgroup = GPNT01 netbios name = thlo server string = Thomas test client code page = 850 character set = ISO8859-1 coding system = utf8 interfaces = security = SERVER encrypt passwords = Yes password server = nt01,nt02 log file = /filesrv1/app/samba/var/log.%m max log size = 50 load printers = No local master = No dns proxy = No wins server = homedir map = auto_home create mask = 0775 inherit permissions = Yes [share] path = /filesrv1/share write list = @reduser force user = remaster force group = reduser read only = No veto files = /.rsrc/.DeskServer/.Desktop/Network Trash Folder/TheVolumeS ettingsFolder/TheFindByContentFolder/Temporary Items/lost+found/ Thanks, Thomas L?fstrand