On Mon, 3 Jun 2002, Mike Barsalou wrote:
> I did a search of google and came up with lots of people asking this same
> question but with no answer.
> When printing a PDF document I get a windows error that says "could
> start print job". I can print a test page from the printers folder,
> however.
> Anyone have any clue's for me?
> If it matters that PDF document is about 5mb, but I am only trying to print
> the first page.
Please try to reproduce this against the latest SAMBA_2_2 cvs code.
If you still have problems, try bumping
rpc_server/srv_pipe_hnd.c:#define MAX_OPEN_SPOOLSS_PIPES 64
to a higher value and recompile. Let me know the outcome.
cheers, jerry
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