I don't know if this is the right place to ask this question but I am using
Redhat 6.2 Linux and Samba 2.2.1a. We have Windows NT Workstations and 2000
servers with which we need to talk to. (Note: Can't upgrade to Redhat 7.2
or Samba 2.2.2 due to company requirements at least for a few more months.)
I have a problem with a user who is trying to write to a folder called
"qcp_docs" whilst logged in as a user "cmsdocs" to the
Redhat 6.2 Linux box
called SERVER1.
The linux directory permissions are 775 for both the cmsdocs and qcp_docs
The cmsdocs user is a member of the qcp_docs group (and visa versa but only
temporary - I am hoping to remove this requirement (the major user logons
have a group of the same name as their user logon). All folders have the
user logon owning the directory and files but the group of the files and
folder belongs to a user called webmaster - this cannot be changed due to
software requirements on the server.
The cms_docs user still cannot write to the qcp_docs user's folder, so since
the qcp_docs user's account is not being used by the intended user yet, we
decided to set up a couple of .bat files to allow the user to swap from
qcp_docs to cmsdocs accounts from their PC to copy their html (converted
from word) documents.
The swap from qcp_docs using the following commands works fine:
net use \\SERVER1\IPC$ <\\SERVER1\IPC$> /delete
net use \\SERVER1\CMSDOCS <\\SERVER1\CMSDOCS> /delete
net use \\SERVER1\IPC$ <\\SERVER1\IPC$> /delete
Unfortunately, the moment the second .bat file is run to set the user logon
back to cms_docs using the following commands:
net use \\SERVER1\IPC$ <\\SERVER1\IPC$> /delete
net use \\SERVER1\QCP_DOCS <\\SERVER1\QCP_DOCS> /delete
net use \\SERVER1\IPC$ <\\SERVER1\IPC$> /delete
net use \\SERVER1\CMSDOCS <\\SERVER1\CMSDOCS> "passwdgoeshere"
The user gets the error:
System error 1219 has occurred.
The credentials supplied conflict with an existing set of credentials.
Has anyone else had this kind of problem?
Below is an extract of my smb.conf file - removing unrelated users and their
# Samba config file created using SWAT
# from (
# Date: 2001/10/16 13:58:21
# Global parameters
workgroup = SAMBA
netbios name = SERVER1
server string = Windows NT Server clone
log file = /var/log/samba/log.%m
max log size = 0
socket options = TCP_NODELAY SO_RCVBUF=8192 SO_SNDBUF=8192
domain master = Yes
dns proxy = No
valid users = webmaster,root,cmsdocs,qcp_docs
write list = webmaster,root,cmsdocs,qcp_docs
hosts allow = 69.10. 69.20. 69.30. 69.40. 69.50.
comment = Home Directories
writeable = Yes
browseable = No
comment = All Printers
path = /var/spool/samba
printable = Yes
browseable = No
comment = cmsdocs
path = /home/httpd/html/asc_web/cms_docs
username = cmsdocs
valid users = webmaster,root,cmsdocs,qcp_docs
write list = webmaster,root,cmsdocs,qcp_docs
comment = qcp_docs
path = /home/httpd/html/asc-e/qcp/qcp_docs
invalid users = newsletter,finance,sscc,irc
valid users = webmaster,root,qcp_docs,cmsdocs
write list = webmaster,root,qcp_docs,cmsdocs
writeable = Yes
Desiree M. de Fluiter
Database Administrator
Australian Submarine Corporation Pty Ltd
Mersey Road
Outer Harbor SA 5018
Telephone: +61 08 8348 7724
Fax: +61 08 8348 7001
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