Hello, after upgrade Samba from 1.9.17p4 to 2.0.7. I have problems with name mangling. In one directory I have these files (only): 0011_BAR_ISSUEAGRES.CSV 0011_MIR_STKGEN.CSV 0011_OLO_ISSUEMPSPEC.CSV 0011_RET_ISSUEAGRES.CSV When I look at these files (DIR /X) from Windows95 or WindowsNT Workstation 4.0 clients I can see this: 0011_~%Y.CSV 0011_BAR_ISSUEAGRES.CSV 0011_~$%.CSV 0011_MIR_STKGEN.CSV 0011_~%L.CSV 0011_OLO_ISSUEMPSPEC.CSV 0011_~%Y.CSV 0011_RET_ISSUEAGRES.CSV First problem: The same short name 0011_~%Y.CSV is for different long names (0011_RET_ISSUEAGRES.CSV and 0011_BAR_ISSUEAGRES.CSV).