> Date: Tue, 30 May 2000 07:57:17 +0200
> From: "Ludwig Meyerhoff" <>
> To:
> Subject: What user on what computer?
> Hallo!
> I found a quite usefull hint about email-notification using samba by
> simply writing a Mailslot-message-command into the users .forward-file.
> That is quite nice, but there is a small problem: While the username is
> still the same, so does not the computername. People can log on every
> computer in a network, so the computername varies. I am looking for a
> method to run a script - on the server side (!!) at each logon and
> logoff of an user, so a user-database can be maintained. I could write
> a script getting the computer a user logged in out of that
> database/table.
> How could I solve that problem?
It is not quite clear from your message what you are trying to achieve,
because if what you want is UNIX utmp support, then you don't need a
Anyway, two possibilities for you to explore:
1. At Samba 2.0.7 there is new, experimental, support for UNIX "utmp"
files. Basically compile samba 2.0.7 "--with-utmp" and put
into smb.conf for shares you wish to track. But it is new, and there
were a few problems at 2.0.7 (since fixed) on some versions of UNIX.
2. If you want to run a script, look at the "preexec" and
parameters (and maybe, with care, "root preexec" and "root
Hope that helps.
: David Lee I.T. Service :
: Systems Programmer Computer Centre :
: University of Durham :
: South Road :
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: Phone: +44 191 374 2882 U.K. :