Hello everyone Some days ago some one mentioned that there was a problem with the search facility on the samba.org websites. This is still true and I was wondering if there is any update on the problem here. The symptoms are: - when you go to the search page on any replica of samba.org or the mail archives and enter a search it bounces to the home page on us2.samba.org. - When you press search page on us2.samba.org it gives a generic search error about "the index is not available or some file is missing". It seems that us1.samba.org is probably down at the moment but there were no postings in any recent digests that I have seen. Any news on this? Thanks John. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ John Cheney Hewlett Packard Australia WTEC Network Operating System Support 31 - 41 Joseph Street Blackburn Telnet 272.2925 Victoria, 3130 Phone 61.3.9272.2925 AUSTRALIA _ |\ Email john_cheney@hp.com _/ |_| \ OpenMail John Cheney / HP-Australia,om1 / | HomePage wtec.cup.hp.com/~nos \ ___ / - \__/ \/ Joined Musketeer?: alberte.atl.hp.com/musketeer/index.html ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~