I'm trying to connect to aSamba 1.9.18p10 share on my HP-UX 10.20 host,
using an MS-DOS boot diskette (well, actually a Windows 95 boot diskette, but
relying on the DOS-style protocol stack, etc.).
When I issue the same username and password that I use to connect to that share
from my Windows NT client, I get an invalid password message.
Two things come to mind: is the DOS client sending my username in uppercase
rather than lowercase? Or is the DOS client encrypting the password, like
post-SP3 NT clients do? (I used the EnablePlainTextPassword option on my NT
boxes to take care of that, btw) Or is it something else I haven't thought
of yet? <G>
If anyone has any ideas, fixes, or workarounds please let me know.
BTW, the diskette was produced by the IC3 client-disk producer; the point of all
this is so I can create an image of my hard drive using IC3 and put it on my
HP-UX box for safekeeping.
Thanks in advance for any help!
Jayson T. Garrett, Mississippi College Computer Center
P.O. Box 4026, Clinton, MS 39058
601.925.3826 garrett@mc.edu mc.edu/~garrett
"The human race is divided into two sharply differentiated and
mutually antagonistic classes -- a small minority that plays with
ideas and is capable of taking them in, and a vast majority that
finds them painful, and is thus arrayed against them."
-- H.L. Mencken