Configuration: RedHat 5.0 w/ Samba 1.9.18p8. My servers don't do domain logins. I picked a workgroup called OCALA-CIM for it. I have clients connecting from standalone desktops w/o domain logins to anyone and others that connect from desktops that are fully logged into a NT domain, which is called ACCT03 and these desktops seem to be mostly setup to be in a workgroup called EMC. My main samba server (hostname and netbios name is "mi") has been working well for a while with share level security. Now I want to add a second machine and have it use mi as its password server. Instant problems. Can shares be public on a server with user level security, i.e., no login required whatsoever? As soon as I enabled user security, users connected to public shares started getting authentication windows up for the \\server\ipc$ before even getting near the shares. I enabled user level security since this is required for the machine to act as a password server, correct? I've looked through the actives trying to find out how to fix but didn't find an answer, at least I didn't realize I did. I've been messing around with creating a wildcard user match in the usermap and then putting that user in the smb password file w/o a password (nobody:99:NO PASSWORDXXXX ...). Is this how you accomplish my goal? This sort of works but doesn't "feel" right. Problem with this is that it seems to cause the server to be unacceptable as a password server by another samba since I get the following when trying to point the new samba server at the old one with a "security = server" and "password server = mi": server_validate: password server MI allows users as non-guest with a bad password. server_validate: This is broken (and insecure) behaviour. Please do not use this machine as the password server. -- Charles Curley, Staff Engineer Computer Integrated Manufacturing Lockheed Martin Ocala Operations