Hi We are using a Debian 1.3.1 server (two Ethernet-Cards) with 18 Clients. The Clients remote-boot from the server using mars_nwe(Novell-Server emulation). Under Windows (WfW 3.11) the Clients user the Microsoft 32-bit Tcp-Stack to access the samba-server( 1.9.18p7). The problem is that the clients can't see the samba-server in their browse-lists, nor can they access the server with net use... \\h931srv\... - altough the clients register their ip-address at the server. The Server has all the ip-addresses in his wins-database, and all the clients in his browse list. The Clients saw each other in the broswe lists, until I detected that they kept electing the browser-master all the time. I stopped this by adding "LM Annouce=no" and "MaintainServerList=no" to the win.ini. Now, that clients pause after trying to browse the network, and then only see them self) I played with this for a week now, and have to idea anymore... mfg, fgp --------------------------------- Mail me for my PGP 5.0 public key --------------------------------- F.G.P. <fgp@fgp.atnet.at> _____________________________________________ "When ever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it's time to pause and reflect" - Mark Twain