On Wed, 8 Apr 1998, Derek Ziegler wrote:
> Hello,
> does anyone has some Information about M$ Exchanges Fax. If you
> configure Exchange there is an Option about Fax. If you go there, you
> can say you have the Modem on your PC or you can say it is in the
> Network and you have to put in the Networkpath. It would be great to
> use this with Samba but at this time I think Samba doesnt
> support it. Maybe someone has some Information for me how I can use
> this whith my Linux-Box or some Information if the Samba Crew is
> planning to implement this Feature.
> Thanks
> Derek Ziegler
Hi Derek,
As far as I know, there is no functionality in Samba to utilize faxing
like that since that requires a set of special (probably MS proprietary)
SMB calls seperate from both the current file and printer calls. There
are a couple of options, however:
Option 1: Look at the Faxing.txt document in the Samba distribution and
setup your fax modem to look like a printer under Samba.
Option 2: There is a program called HylaFAX that is completely seperate
from Samba. It has it's own clients for Unix, Win 3, Win 95, and Mac and
a Unix-side server program. Best of all, it's freely available, source
and all. I am not sure of the specific licensing though. We will
probably be implementing it at my company network early this summer
sometime. For more information check out vix.com/hylafax
I hope this helps.
BTW: I have no affiliation with HylaFAX whatsoever and no actual
experience with it (yet). I just think it looks like a real good product
if you need faxing capabilities.
Sean E. Millichamp, Consultant
Ingematics - A Division of Compu-Aid, Inc.