Can you share the steps required to reproduce this? I've seen two reports
of this but have not been able to reproduce it myself, and the users that
reported it also could not reproduce it.
On Jun 25, 2010, at 5:16 AM, Robert DuToit wrote:
> Hi All,
> I have been using rysnc 3.0.6 with Mike's
rsync_3.0.6-hfs-compression_20091027.diff patch (as well as the standard osx
patches) with good results. I discovered that clones done on 10.6 using this
rsync cause some executable files ( the ones that are mostly compressed this way
on osx ) to be damaged.
> I did a test twice and indeed a handful of them are damaged. They all
appear to be in /Volume/Snowy/usr/bin and/or /Volume/Snowy/usr/share.
> I ran xattr on it and
> robert-dutoits-macbook-pro:~ astrid$ xattr -l /Volume/Snowy/usr/bin/file
> These attributes are supposed to be hidden when on 10.6. The files have 0
bytes to appear to be compressed but can not be un-compresed. I tried file on
the clone and it doesn't work. Someone else reported du not working so there
are some pretty basic files damaged. This appears to be the same issue that
happens with some people when installing Snow Leopard fresh - some execs are
damaged in this way.
> There are some threads about this, specifically bugs in the Snow Leopard
causing this very thing to happen.
> There is a tool someone created for scanning for these damaged files at:
> After running rsync 3.0.6 , with patches for hfs+, it reports
> /Volume/Snowy/usr/bin/chudRemoteCtrl appears to be damaged
> /Volume/Snowy/usr/bin/chumAddRights appears to be damaged
> /Volume/Snowy/usr/bin/ci appears to be damaged
> /Volume/Snowy/usr/bin/bzip2recover appears to be damaged
> /Volume/Snowy/usr/bin/file appears to be damaged
> /Volume/Snowy/usr/bin/xed appears to be damaged
> These same files are fine on the source volume.
> Anyone know why this is happening? The hfs+ compressed files are otherwise
handled perfectly using Mike's patch.
> Thanks Rob
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