On Thu, 2008-01-03 at 20:19 -0500, Boris Toloknov wrote:> Hi,
> It seems that rsync transfers files whose names was changed or which
> were moved to another directory since the previous synchronization. I
> think that ability not to transfer (large) files which are present on
> another computer would be very helpful. Right before rsync is going to
> transfer some large file it could check if there some other files with
> the same size ( and maybe the same mtime ) on the destination
> computer. In case if the destination computer has such files then it
> could be asked to find the file with given MD5. If it's found then
> there is no need to transfer that file. Local copy/rename/move can be
> performed instead.
let us say you have N files in one directory and you rename the
directory name. so for N files, u need to check destination side all M
files and see if it is the renamed one. so you do NxM comparison and
this is not scalable at all...
> I hope that even in worst case when where are many large files with
> the same size and mtime it will take relatively small time to perform
> those additional steps. Moreover feature could be applied only to
> large files with size >= some configurable size.
> Thanks.
> Boris
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Ming Zhang
@#$%^ purging memory... (*!%