On Thu, Jul 13, 2006 at 02:35:07AM +0100, Steve A wrote:> Is this still the only way to make rsync case insensitive, or is there a
> smarter/built-in way that I don't know about?
That's the only way at the moment in the stock rsync. You don't have to
maintain all those [Xx] elements manually, though -- just write a filter
for the file. For instance, write all the patterns using lower case:
- *.gid
- *.lnk
- *.old
- *.temp
- *.tmp
- thumbs.db
and then do something like this:
perl -pe 's/([a-z])/[\U$1\E$1]/g' <simple.txt >complex.txt
Or run that dynamically:
perl -pe 's/([a-z])/[\U$1\E$1]/g' <simple.txt | \
rsync -av --exclude-from=- src/ dest/
Finally, there is a diff in the patches dir named ignore-case.diff that
ads some case-ignoring logic to rsync. You might want to check that