rspec users - Mar 2008

Monday March 31 2008
9:53PM 5 Given .. and .. - And requires capitalisation
4:25PM 0 Can you add simple argument-baesd logic to stubs?
4:07PM 0 Is loadby file name order not implemented or not working? - want to run tests in file name order, not mtime order
3:32PM 13 Anyone seen weird autotest behaviour on trunk?
3:16PM 2 Confusing error with GivenStory
12:03PM 11 Netbeans and .story files
Sunday March 30 2008
2:23AM 7 My argument constraints are not working.
Saturday March 29 2008
6:36PM 4 parameterized shared specs: good or bad idea?
Friday March 28 2008
8:03PM 1 getting autotest to monitor changes in lib directory
6:25PM 5 How do you mock an object that you don''t have access to?
5:38PM 4 [Q] bug in mocks or user error?
4:48PM 2 Wrong story step running
3:01PM 1 help Steven Baker get to Scotland on Rails
2:17PM 1 How to loadby by alphabetical order, not mtime
Thursday March 27 2008
4:30PM 3 Why does nesting this spec fail?
11:08AM 3 Checking for response => head :ok in a story
Wednesday March 26 2008
9:34PM 0 How to spec controller whose route has a different name?
9:29PM 0 Testing controller without integrate views
7:08PM 15 rspec_hpricot_matchers 1.0: have_tag on hpricot
5:35PM 2 story runner output
Tuesday March 25 2008
8:54PM 2 pending plain text story step
8:45PM 1 newbie first run question
6:08PM 0 HOWTO: RSpec integration with Rails
4:56PM 2 Plaint Text Stories Comments in output?
12:37PM 2 Release date for 1.1.4?
10:13AM 4 [Stories]Troubles with GivenScenario
6:35AM 6 Testing Controllers with respond_to?
1:50AM 4 [Q] how do I test the behavior of a Builder pattern object?
Monday March 24 2008
4:38PM 1 Using Haml for view tests
3:38PM 2 Has anyone seen this strange mock behaviour?
10:24AM 1 how should i test this code with rspec
Sunday March 23 2008
9:41PM 0 Does one use mocks in stories?
1:57PM 1 Multiple should sentences one lambda
Saturday March 22 2008
4:17PM 1 Foreign characters in strings
10:45AM 5 Win MoNeY Online
Friday March 21 2008
10:24AM 8 Pending Scenarios
1:03AM 3 Oh inheritacne, wherefore art thou
Thursday March 20 2008
10:58PM 1 stories with selenium and the db
1:30PM 0 Command line option to run a story scenario?
12:56PM 1 Combining autotest, rspec, rspec_on_rails and spec-server
4:44AM 5 sharing story steps
2:47AM 3 cleaning up after stories
Wednesday March 19 2008
7:55PM 3 ApplicationHelper
3:33PM 2 Stub / Mock - A little guidance?
11:15AM 0 Are there hooks to record messages to be displayed after a spec run?
3:13AM 2 rescue
1:41AM 3 svn externals and git submodules
Tuesday March 18 2008
11:26PM 6 Problem with mocking a simple has_many relationship
8:15AM 11 "Why not MockEverthing" or why use fixtures for all tests?
Monday March 17 2008
7:50PM 1 Shouldn''t should return true?
2:45PM 8 should have_tag outside Rails
12:27PM 10 RSpec and RCov with JRuby
10:53AM 4 RSpec''ing model association callbacks
Sunday March 16 2008
7:44AM 0 Corrupt rspec_on_rails tar file?
Saturday March 15 2008
7:11PM 3 [HELP]No :secret given to the #protect_from_forgery call
Friday March 14 2008
8:12PM 5 Branching scenarios, GivenScenario and database
5:46PM 2 Disabling a set of tests?
3:33PM 0 Adding before / after blocks to every spec
12:44PM 2 Multiple should_receive(:render).with
10:55AM 3 `const_missing'': uninitialized constant Spec::Rails
1:31AM 2 Lib Specs and config.use_transactional_fixtures = true
12:54AM 15 Am I off track on my testing?
Thursday March 13 2008
8:43PM 0 Equivalent to before(:all) for StepGroups?
4:11PM 3 Stories (well, integration tests) which aren''t plain text
1:13PM 22 Specifing methods in a steps_for block
4:17AM 6 What is SpecServer?
Wednesday March 12 2008
8:23PM 2 Warning: integrate_views and nested description groups
1:54PM 1 Testing helper methods in rspec
12:45PM 2 Whence "post" in a description?
3:19AM 2 RSpec view test for :partial with :locals?
Tuesday March 11 2008
10:29PM 0 RSpactor 0.0.2 : autorun your spec files
2:30PM 0 [Stories]Changes in the database not taken into account
1:52PM 2 for a beginner - good rspec examples?
12:14PM 2 Composed Stories/Scenarios
3:23AM 1 view spec on rails questions
2:53AM 6 Story testing views in isolation
Monday March 10 2008
9:01PM 10 tutes on testing controllers
Saturday March 8 2008
10:56PM 3 should_receive(:foo).with(any_object)
8:51PM 7 ridding away with do_request
5:37PM 0 BDD Google Mailing list.
4:37PM 1 Session empty after request
3:40AM 10 rspec groups?
Thursday March 6 2008
9:33PM 0 rake spec aborting
8:36PM 0 Including my plugin specs into rake spec
Wednesday March 5 2008
10:30PM 14 [Stories] Login and subdomain
6:05PM 2 Testing that a model helper method is called
5:28PM 14 ActiveRecord, spec''ing find has right :order parameter
5:27PM 7 mocking successive return values
10:40AM 4 has_many_polymorphs is breaking my spec file
10:25AM 3 having trouble specing an ajax request
Tuesday March 4 2008
8:04PM 2 textmate bundle
4:51PM 3 rspec vs. test::more
1:13PM 9 What is your workflow? Or how to use the story runner the right way.
5:41AM 10 Pretty story output for non-Rails project
3:42AM 2 Matchers tutorial ...
Monday March 3 2008
11:24PM 2 stuck on testing validation
11:17PM 2 Testing Plugins + Lib Code
5:08PM 1 Rspec and plugins
Saturday March 1 2008
5:37PM 5 rspec with continuations: very strange