rspec users - Apr 2008

Wednesday April 30 2008
11:02PM 3 rake spec:rcov failing
10:56PM 0 autotest / rspec not failing tests
Tuesday April 29 2008
10:47PM 1 odd fixture behavior
5:25PM 5 Sharing: dont_repeat_yourself plugin custom RSpec matcher
5:03PM 0 Fixture Scenarios plugin
4:48PM 1 Spec''ing controller macros
4:00PM 5 another noob question about stubs
11:59AM 2 mock expectation in before block
5:59AM 3 noob question for getting true or false from a function
Monday April 28 2008
7:51PM 9 ANN: RSpactor 0.9.10 (aka. beta)
3:31PM 8 story runner on restful_authentication question
12:37PM 0 article on template for stories
Saturday April 26 2008
3:34AM 2 restful controllers with different content types
Friday April 25 2008
7:16PM 3 Running spec_server
2:46PM 2 Rspec output and unicode
12:57PM 0 Spec migrations?
8:59AM 1 Net:SSH
Thursday April 24 2008
4:30PM 14 BDD/Rails/Shoulda
Tuesday April 22 2008
1:36PM 5 how do i remove duplication from my steps in story runner?
Monday April 21 2008
3:27PM 6 Spec the Application Controller application.rb
2:55PM 0 StepSpecr
2:47PM 1 Fixtures in Jruby Mysql
2:05PM 2 JRuby, RSpec, rcov
6:03AM 5 Mocking Net::SSH connections
Saturday April 19 2008
10:57PM 4 Is testing output within content_for possible?
6:23AM 2 Stubbing class in controller
Friday April 18 2008
10:37PM 0 Integration Test Uploading in Rails 2.0.2 was (Re: Attachment-fu + Story Runner)
9:14PM 4 Debugging trick.
10:49AM 1 rspec-users Digest, Vol 22, Issue 38
9:32AM 6 redirect_to
5:45AM 5 How much details is enough?
Thursday April 17 2008
9:45AM 0 abstract test runner?
9:08AM 0 Stories / Pending / Suggestion
2:39AM 10 rspec + github == !submodules
Wednesday April 16 2008
10:22PM 2 setup for stories
7:57PM 2 Story runner + selenium-rc + wait_for_xxxx
4:44PM 7 Has anyone pulled from the repo recently, but not on/after 4/16?
11:57AM 4 Testing Layout
8:04AM 2 Story Framework
7:45AM 2 rspec 1.1.4
4:02AM 3 getting storyrunner success/failure status in rake task
1:09AM 2 Writing a story for logging in with OpenID
Tuesday April 15 2008
10:05PM 7 before_validation callbacks bypassed when stubbing :valid?
5:10PM 0 Mocking and stubbing Rails'' has_many association
3:20PM 5 textmate => pass, autotest => failing specs ???
1:58AM 2 rspec test for converting a hash to a URL string
Saturday April 12 2008
8:54AM 4 Inspect STDERR in a story
Friday April 11 2008
7:21PM 4 request.params causing errors
6:47PM 0 Easy way to specify protocol for a controller spec?
6:29PM 1 Does Ctrl-Shift-V in Textmate ever annoy you as an RSpec user?
3:16PM 1 autotest only passing spec files to rspec once
2:56PM 1 mock_model outside of rails
12:46AM 6 newbq: Organizing your stories
12:40AM 2 Creating stories for the second resource. Very wet approach
Thursday April 10 2008
5:30PM 4 mock_model
2:37AM 21 Stories - Use view matchers rather than assigns.should?
Wednesday April 9 2008
5:43PM 5 rspec at github
10:03AM 20 Multi-line steps
5:29AM 7 What is the best way to verify that yield is called?
5:25AM 4 Testing with has_many associations
5:12AM 1 rspec SQLException problem
2:16AM 3 i can haz buk?
Tuesday April 8 2008
3:53PM 2 Can you add an option to select the ruby interpreter for rake task?
2:03PM 5 how to mock/stub restful_authenticated and acl2-ized actions
1:06PM 0 TextMate bundle not using environment variable to find Ruby library
10:25AM 5 rSpec, Selenium and screenshots
Monday April 7 2008
9:14PM 2 Need some help with a simple
8:01PM 3 Why do I have to require_dependency here?
4:17PM 0 Haml and View tests
1:34PM 2 How can you delete unused view helper files?
Sunday April 6 2008
8:33PM 1 Comparing new models
7:17PM 14 how to stub the :current_user and any methods associated with it
11:20AM 6 Rspecing this simple controller it is driving me mad...
1:55AM 1 Getting to the session from Stories
Saturday April 5 2008
4:28AM 6 Newbie : how to require to lib from spec under autotest?
3:45AM 1 laziness plugin
Friday April 4 2008
10:48PM 4 changes to RSpec Bundle
10:18PM 2 webrat bugs
4:46PM 2 Error testing rails controller
1:23PM 10 Welcome Pat Maddox
12:17AM 2 Autotest RSpec Not Running on Model Save''s?
Thursday April 3 2008
2:58PM 6 Command line story runner
12:48PM 1 tags/categories for specs
8:56AM 1 Anyone experienced RSpec/Autotest forgetting models?
Wednesday April 2 2008
11:09PM 5 newb q: Can story steps report a view rendering error?
8:13AM 9 spec''ing validates_uniqueness_of :whatever
5:16AM 3 Given Logged In
2:31AM 3 problem rendering template with story
Tuesday April 1 2008
2:53PM 1 Tabs in the TextMate Bundle
1:23AM 8 Stub an instance method for every new instance of a class
12:21AM 6 spec''ing models