Hi folks,
Is there any way I can call #include from within a shared behaviour
without it blowing up?:
> vendor/plugins/rspec/lib/spec/dsl/shared_behaviour.rb:48:in
> `included'': private method `include'' called for
> (NoMethodError)
More detail: I have a spec/concerns directory which contains specs
corresponding to mixins in app/concerns (cf Jamis Buck), so each spec/
concerns/*_spec.rb really just contains a shared behaviour which is
used in the appropriate specs in spec/models (i.e. of those models
whose app/models counterpart mixes in that concern).
Each such model says require File.dirname(__FILE__) + ''/../concerns/
animal_spec'' and describe Dog do before(:each) do @animal = Dog.new
end; it_should_behave_like ''all animals'' end, which works
fine. Some
of the concern specs need helpers from modules in spec_helper, but
any attempt to include those modules within the shared behaviour
blows up as above, so at the moment I''m including the helper modules
in the model specs themselves. That also works fine, but leaves an
unpleasant taste since the model spec itself doesn''t (syntactically)
refer to any of the helper methods, so I''d really rather leave the
#including to the shared behaviour if possible.
Any thoughts?