Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1240 matches for "dog".
Did you mean:
2012 Mar 28
parallel bash scripts
...look at what i have?
> -btuce
> On Tue, Mar 27, 2012 at 9:00 PM, Mark LaPierre<marklapier at aol.com> wrote:
>> On 03/27/2012 05:25 PM, bruce wrote:
>>> hi.
>>> got a couple of test bash scripts.
>>> dog.sh, cat.sh
>>> each script runs the underlying php in an endless loop.
>>> I'm trying to figure out how to run the scripts in parallel, from the
>>> same parent shell script. something like:
>>> test.sh
2012 Nov 24
Building factors across two columns, is this possible?
I am trying to make it so two columns with similar data use the same internal numbers for same factors, here is the example:
> read.csv("test.csv",header =FALSE,sep=",")
V1 V2 V3
1 sun moon stars
2 stars moon sun
3 cat dog catdog
4 dog moon sun
5 bird plane superman
6 1000 dog 2000
> data <- read.csv("test.csv",header =FALSE,sep=",")
> str(data)
'data.frame': 6 obs. of 3 variables:
$ V1: Factor w/ 6 levels "1000","bird",..: 6 5 3 4 2 1
$ V2...
2006 Apr 26
Test fixture syntax
OK, I know I''m doing something bone-headed, but I can''t for the life of
me figure it out.
I''ve read the test fixtures Rdoc about eight dozen times, and it says
(to me) that if I have a YAML fixture file, dogs.yml that looks like
id: 1
breed: Terrier
id: 2
breed: Poodle
Then I can include
fixtures :dogs
in my functional test, and I''ll have access to a Hash of the model
objects in the instance variable @dogs. And further, that the fixture
records are "found&...
2006 Aug 15
Hard time understanding the differences between "def self.foo" and "def foo"
Hi guys,
I''m having a little trouble understanding the differences and knowing
when to use "def foo" and "def self.foo" in my models. I don''t quite
understand them and was hoping someone could explain or give me
examples on how to use the "self." properly.
For example, I had "def foo" in my model "Account" and in one of
2006 Oct 10
oddness when adding to index -
..., @mon_owner=nil, @id_field=:id, @reader=nil,
@mon_waiting_queue=[], @writer=nil, @default_input_field=:id,
*** Now let''s add 3 strings to the index ***
irb(main):005:0> ["While you were out pet care", "Eastside dog walker",
"Top daw
g dog walker"].each {|text| i << text }
=> ["While you were out pet care", "Eastside dog walker", "Top dawg dog
*** Now let''s do some searches ***
irb(main):006:0> puts i.search(''pet'')...
2007 Apr 11
Error with corCompSymm and lme fit for repeated measures
...gl s4 1.0m july 6.64288350
19 2 Dgl s4 2.5m july 9.74241641
20 2 Dgl s4 5.0m july 5.10884682
21 2 Dgl s4 0.5m august 8.01357594
22 2 Dgl s4 1.0m august 5.31430680
23 2 Dgl s4 2.5m august 10.62809063
24 2 Dgl s4 5.0m august 10.30284109
25 3 Dog s1 0.5m june NA
26 3 Dog s1 1.0m june 3.29442388
27 3 Dog s1 2.5m june 1.02478107
28 3 Dog s1 5.0m june NA
29 3 Dog s1 0.5m july NA
30 3 Dog s1 1.0m july 2.19628259
31 3 Dog s1 2.5m july 1.11794299
32 3 Do...
2008 Jul 24
factor question
Suppose I have a factor:
> fac1 <- factor(rep(c("dog","cat","tree"),c(2,3,4)))
> fac1
[1] dog dog cat cat cat tree tree tree tree
Levels: cat dog tree
> length(fac1)
[1] 9
Now I want to get rid of the dogs:
> fac1 <- fac1[3:9]
> fac1
[1] cat cat cat tree tree tree tree
Levels: cat dog tree
How sho...
2010 Feb 11
when does 'dog' not equal 'dog'?
class A
attr_accessor :slot
fun matches?(s)
p "s <=> @slot = #{s <=> @slot}"
return (s <=> @slot) == 0
Driven from a script, I get something like this:
# Case 1: Notice that <=> evaluates to nil when it should eval to 0
a.slot = "dog"
"s <=> @slot = "
=> false
# Case 2: When I pass a String.new("dog") everything works
a.slot = "dog"
"s <=> @slot = 0"
=> true
What''s really odd is that call...
2000 Oct 12
getting a windows environment variable in r
I would like to get a value set with the dos set command (e.g. set dog=cow) in a rterm session on rterm 1011 under windows 2000. if I try in a dos window:
set dog=cow
echo %dog%
i get cow (what I want)
then i start rterm
system("echo %dog%",intern=T)
gives "%dog%"
I can of course do something like
set dog=cow
echo %dog% >jnk.rin
and then star...
2012 Jun 28
loop through and modify multiple data frames
Newbie question:
I have a set of data frames that I want to do the same calculations on each.
I've found out that I can put them in a list and loop through the list
to do the calculation, but not put the results back into each
For example three data frames cats, dogs, birds
where >cats
name eats_kg
1 bob 3
2 garfield 4
3 chuck 6
and dogs and birds are similar but not same length.
On each data frame I now want to add a column with cost of food by
calculating "eats_kg"*price of food.
So question is, can I put all data frames into one loop which...
2006 Feb 08
lme syntax for P&B examples
...ined in lme4?
If someone can recreate the examples below in lme4 syntax so I can
follow what is happening in the text I'd be grateful.
Paul Cossens
# P&B(2000) p40-45
(fm1Pixel <- lmer(pixel ~ day + I(day^2) +(day|Dog)+(1|Side), data =
(fm2Pixel <- lmer(pixel ~ day + I(day^2) +(day|Dog), data = Pixel))
(fm3Pixel <- lmer(pixel ~ day + I(day^2) +(1|Dog:Side), data = Pixel))
or should I do it this way?
2006 Apr 17
Using variable class names breaks has_many?
Hey All,
Any idea why this would work this this:
class Dog
has_many :fleas
dog = Dog.find_first
dog.name => "Buster"
dog.class => Dog
dog.fleas => []
# store the class
animal_class = dog.class => Dog
dog = animal_class.find_first
dog.name => "Buster"
dog.class => Dog
dog.fleas => meth...
2006 Mar 17
Controller/View Organization (Newbie Question)
...a potentially dumb question. I''m
new to both Ruby and Rails, but I do have a long background in OO
programming and web development.
My question is about how to structure controllers for the various
models which I will need in my application. My data will look
something like this:
- (has_many) TrainingSessions
- (has_many) Tests
- (has_many) Behaviors
So, obviously, the "Dog" object is the central object on which users
will be working when they visit the application. I have a Controller
for the Dog object whose "show" view will display an overview of...
2005 Sep 27
Moaning dog...
Here's one for you phone people....
An elderly lady phoned her telephone company to report that her telephone
failed to ring when her friends called - and that on the few occasions when it
did ring, her pet dog always moaned right before the phone rang.
The telephone repairman proceeded to the scene, curious to see this psychic
dog or senile elderly lady. He climbed a nearby telephone pole, hooked in his
test set, and dialed the subscriber's house. The phone didn't ring right away,
but then the d...
2006 Apr 25
lme: how to compare random effects in two subsets of data
Dear R-gurus,
I have an interpretation problem regarding lme models.
I am currently working on dog locomotion, particularly on some variation
I try to figure out which limb out of 2 generated more dispersed data.
I record a value called Peak, around 20 times for each limb with a record.
I repeat the records during a single day, and on several days.
I tried to build two models, one fo...
2010 May 06
POP3 says no new mail.
Let's list some files in user homedir:
dog:/home/domain/users/username# ls
autoresponse dovecot.index.log dovecot-uidvalidity.4be1e480 saved
config dovecot-uidlist new sent
cur dovecot-uidvalidity tmp
dog:/home/domain/users/username# ls cur
2006 Jun 30
Time To Pick the Mongrel BUGS Mascot!
Bradley Taylor shot me this *goldmine* of ugly ugly ugly dogs:
I *have* to use one of these for the Mongrel BUGS Mascot. He''ll go on
our bug list page and replace the little beetles on the left.
Pick the dog you think best represents a lovable but defective pooch and
reply to this with your +1....
2010 Jun 08
more dates and data frames
Dear R People:
So thanks to your help, I have the following:
> dog3.df <- read.delim("c:/Users/erin/Documents/dog1.txt",header=FALSE,sep="\t")
> dog3.df
V1 V2
1 1/1/2000 dog
2 1/1/2000 cat
3 1/1/2000 tree
4 1/1/2000 dog
5 1/2/2000 cat
6 1/2/2000 cat
7 1/2/2000 cat
8 1/2/2000 tree
9 1/3/2000 dog
10 1/3/2000 tree...
2008 Jul 31
Identifying common prefixes from a vector of words, and delete those prefixes
For example, c("dog.is.an.animal", "cat.is.an.animal", "rat.is.an.animal"). How can I identify the common prefix is ".is.an.animal" and delete it to give c("dog", "cat", "rat") ?
2012 May 03
inheritance with rails.
I''ve read about examples on inheritance with rails.
Here is an example:
The way is to add a type field in the table.
So if I have an Animal class with an attribute name, I can inherit
from this class like:
Dog < Animal, Cat < Animal, and so on.
With the type field in the table I can do Dog.all, Cat.all having
automaticaly all dogs, all cats, etc.
But what if I want to add some other attributes to Dog or Cat classes?
In the example above all classes have only name attribute.
What if I want inherit...